Deep purple dress или летние сиреневые и платья с открытой спиной. Zaful 3rd Anniversary blog giveaway.
Всем привет! Сегодня хочу показать вам небольшую подборку самых красивых, на мой взгляд, сиреневых - “deep purple dress” и платьев с открытой спиной - “backless dresses” !
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Zaful 3rd Anniversary blog giveaway
My dear followers, there are some news I would love to share with you guys. One of the biggest online fashion store “Zaful” is now celebrating their 3rd anniversary.
I'll checked out the details about this anniversary blog giveaway. TBH, It's quite awesome. The link to their blog is over here:
Who doesn’t love giveaways? Go to their blog and take a look. I would be very happy if you tag my name【XXXXXX】after participating the giveaway event. Zaful will choose a couple of winners after the event and give out huge rewards!
Many thanks!
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